
In celebration of Lithuanian School Day

In celebration of Lithuanian School Day

This spring, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania proclaimed August 10th as the Lithuanian School Day.

There are more than 250 Lithuanian language schools around the world, with approximately 11,000 children and 1,200 teachers.

Currently, there are 8 Lithuanian schools in seven different Canadian cities: Toronto, Montreal, Hamilton, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton and Vancouver.

More than 200 students in these schools are learning Lithuanian language, culture, and traditions. Lithuanian education in Canada is also supported by various organisations such as scouts, Lithuanian sports clubs, “Kretinga” and “Romuva” camps, and other organisations and initiatives.

"I sincerely thank every parent, Lithuanian school teacher, and school leader for your tireless work in educating the future generation. Your dedication and efforts help preserve the Lithuanian identity, appreciate our roots, and maintain our traditions," said the Ambassador to Canada Darius Skusevičius on the occasion of the Lithuanian School Day.

First Lithuanian language schools in Canada were established in Montreal in 1916 and in Toronto in 1934. The longest-running schools are the Maironis School in Toronto, established in 1948, and the Bishop M. Valančius Lithuanian Language School in Hamilton, founded in 1949.

Let’s continue this noble mission to ensure that Lithuanians and their children around the world remain connected to their roots and feel even closer to their heritage. Let us spread the Lithuanian language and feel closer to home!

Let’s celebrate this memorable day by enrolling our children in a Lithuanian language school.

You can find the nearest Lithuanian school in Canada here:
