
Transportation of the deceased

Transportation of the deceased

From October 1, 2006, permits of the embassy for transportation of cremated human remains (ashes) to Lithuania are no longer required. The following documents are needed for transportation:

  • Certificate of death (or a notarized copy), legalized and  issued by competent Canadian authorities. The document has to be translated into Lithuanian and the translation certified (translation can be done in Lithuania);
  • Passport of the deceased, if available (will be returned), or other ID (or a notarized copy);
  • Certificate regarding cremation, issued by the funeral home.

Permits for transportation of the deceased (in a coffin) to Lithuania are issued by the embassy.

  • The following documents are needed for transportation
    • Certificate of death (or a notarized copy), legalized and  issued by competent Canadian authorities.
    • Medical (physician’s) certificate indicating cause of death or diagnosis (only if the cause of death is not indicated in the death certificate)
    • Passport of the deceased, if available (will be returned), or other ID (or a notarized copy);
    • Statement (certificate) from the funeral home stating:
      • that the coffin contains nothing but remains of the deceased;
      • in case if death was caused by contagious (communicable) disease– that the remains were properly disinfected.
    • Short description of the coffin as to its material, color, shape.


      The coffin must be double.
    • Permit to bury remains in Lithuania (obtained from local authorities in Lithuania).

  • The following information is necessary in order to issue the permit for transportation
    • name(s) of person(s) escorting/ accompanying the remains, if any;
    • name of recipient (person or funeral home receiving remains), if different from escorting person;
    • flight information (route, carrier, dates of departure/ arrival); or shipping company.
    • Permits are issued free of charge. If requested, they will be sent back to you by mail (please provide a self-addressed stamped envelope).