Civil registration
Civil registration
Documents can be submitted at the Embassy only by appointment:
Lithuanian citizens have a legal obligation to register:
- their marriages,
- births of their children,
- divorces if those events occurred after 11 March 1990 outside of Lithuania.
- Anyone can register the death of a Lithuanian citizen by providing the embassy with the death certificate and Lithuanian passport of the deceased.
If a child is born to a Lithuanian citizen abroad, the registration of the birth of the child is a prerequisite for the application for the first LT passport/ID card.
If a minor was born before you reinstated Lithuanian citizenship but the child did not reinstate Lithuanian citizenship, the registration of the birth of the child is a prerequisite for the application for the reinstatement of the citizenship of the child. For more information
If you changed your name due to marriage before you were reinstated Lithuanian citizenship and you did not provide the Migration Department with your legalized marriage certificate and the translation (obligatory), the ruling on your citizenship will be in the name on your application.
In that case, you have to apply for Lithuanian passport with the name in the ruling on the citizenship and register the marriage after you receive your first Lithuanian passport.
List of the documents to register a child:
- Application form, filled in Lithuanian. The Embassy will not accept inadequately filled forms (e.g. with online translation)
- Unabridged child’s birth certificate, certificated by an Apostille by a Canadian institution, and translated into Lithuanian.
- Valid passports of both parents (at least one - Lithuanian).
- Valid Canadian passport of the child.
- Consular fee, paid by debit or credit cards at the Embassy.
List of the documents to register a marriage:
- Application form filled in Lithuanian. The Embassy will not accept inadequately filled forms (e.g. with online translation)
- Unabridged marriage certificate, certificated by an Apostille by a Canadian institution, and translated into Lithuanian.
- If your marriage certificate does not state that your surname was changed due to marriage and it was in fact changed, a following application form, filled in Lithuanian.
- Valid Lithuanian passport or ID card of the applicant.
- Consular fee, paid by debit or credit cards at the Embassy.
List of the documents to register a divorce:
- Application form filled in Lithuanian. The Embassy will not accept inadequately filled forms (e.g. with online translation)
- Divorce decree issued by the High Court, certificated by an Apostille by a Canadian institution, and translated into Lithuanian.
- Valid Lithuanian passport or ID card of the applicant.
- Consular fee, paid by debit or credit cards at the Embassy.
*In case of divorce or if not the first marriage for either of the spouse, a divorce decree or death certificate of a previous spouse legalized and translated into Lithuanian.
Marriages Performed on Diplomatic and Consular Premises
In order for a marriage performed in Canada to be considered valid under Canadian law, it must comply with the acts and regulations in force in the province in which the marriage is performed. In Canada, the solemnization of marriages falls within the constitutional jurisdiction of the provinces. Before the marriage, the couple may have to obtain a marriage license from their province of residence or publish a notice of marriage. The provinces set out the list of persons who are legally authorized to perform, register or record marriages in that province, which in most cases does not include foreign diplomatic agents and consular officers. A marriage performed in Canada by a foreign diplomatic agent or consular officer will generally not be considered a legally valid marriage, even if it is legally recognized under the laws of the sending State of the officiating diplomatic agent or consular officer.
More information: Marriages performed on diplomatic and consular premises.
Changing name, surname
Lithuanian citizens, stateless persons and citizens of foreign countries shall be entitled to change their name and surname. The name and surname of a citizen of foreign country can be changed only in Lithuanian civil registry offices or diplomatic missions of Lithuania in records of civil status acts entered to him/her (shall be submitted in a written form upon arrival of a person at the Embassy).
List of the documents which must be submitted by a person who intends to change a name and/or a surname:
- Application form from the age of 16 or application form under 16 years of age filled in Lithuanian. The Embassy will not accept inadequately filled forms (e.g. with online translation)
- Valid Lithuanian passport or ID card of the applicant.
- Documents evidencing an application to change a name, surname of the applicant.
- Appropriate registration certificates of the record of civil status act, wherein a name, surname or nationality will be replaced (such as unabridged marriage certificate, certificated by an Apostille by a Canadian institution, and translated into Lithuanian)
- Consular fee, paid by debit or credit cards at the Embassy.
Request to change, correct or update civil registry record
- Application to change, correct or update civil registry record
- Valid Lithuanian passport or ID card of the applicant.
- Documents supporting applicant's request
- Consular fee, paid by debit or credit cards at the Embassy.
Request of civil registry record extract
- Application form
- Application for a multilingual standard form to be issued with the extract,
- Valid Lithuanian passport or ID card of the applicant (if ordered by mail - notiarized copy of applicants Lithuanian Passport).
- Consular fee, paid by debit or credit cards.
- A prepaid Canada Post Xpresspost envelope for sending the document back, if you do not come to collect it in person.
Legalization and Translation requirements:
- Every document, which was not issued in Lithuania, except a passport, has to be certificated by an Apostille by a Canadian institution.
- Every document, except a passport, which was not issued in Lithuanian has to be translated into Lithuanian language. The acceptable translation has to be precise and has to be performed by any professional translators, i.e. in many cases certified or otherwise authorized by the certifying authorities of their countries. The translation typically includes a certifying statement, signed and/or stamped by the translator that declares the translation to be an accurate translation.