Consular Certificate (criminal record, driving experience and others)
Consular Certificate (criminal record, driving experience and others)
Please be advised that the Embassy of Lithuania to Canada can issue a consular certificate regarding criminal history only if you have a personal identification number (“asmens kodas”) issued by the Government of Lithuania. This number can be found on your Lithuanian passport, ID card, or Temporary Residence Permit card.
What documents you need to provide by mail in order to received the Consular Certificate
- Completed application form. Notes on how to complete the form could be found here. IMPORTANT: Please indicate your email address and a phone number on the form.
- Canadian notary certified copy of applicant's passport;
- A prepaid Canada Post Xpresspost envelope, for mailing the certificate from the Embassy in Ottawa to your home address.
- Payment could be completed by Interac e-transfer. The Embassy will contact you regarding the payment after receiving the documents;
In order to receive consular certificate about driving experience in Lithuania, additionally you need to provide a copy of Lithuanian driver’s license,
Please send the abovementioned documents to the following address:
150 Metcalfe Str., Suite 1600, |
- Issuance of consular certificate takes from 5 to 10 business days. Additionaly, consider shipping time.
- If you wish to order a consular certificate at the Embassy in Ottawa in person, please note that we may not be able to issue the consular certificate in one day.
How to order a Consular Certificate if you do not have a personal code (asmens kodas)
For foreign citizens, who seek to receive criminal record certificate from Lithuania and were not issed a personal identification number by the Government of Lithuania (the number could be found on the Temporary residence permit of the Republic of Lithuania ), should order criminal record certificate through Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania. Please note that the request form is different from the one when ordering a certificate from the Embassy.
A request for a certificate can be submitted to the Information Technology and Communications Department as follows:
- In person at their reception in Vilnius, Šventaragio g. 2;
- By mail or courier to: Šventaragio g. 2, LT-01510 Vilnius;
- Electronically through the portal at or E-Government Gateway;
Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and citizens of other countries, who want to get criminal certificate from Canada, should order criminal record certificate through Royal Canadian Mounted Police.