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Tribute Run in Ottawa and other events marking the Freedom Defenders' Day in Canada Added 2024-01-09 The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Canada invites you to commemorate the Freedom Defenders' Day, and by taking part in various commemorative initiatives and events throughout Canada, to honour those who lost their lives for Lithuania's...
Commemorating the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Ottawa Added 2023-01-27 On January 27, 2023 Ambassador of Lithuania to Canada Darius Skusevičius participated in the official commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day held at The National Holocaust Monument in Ottawa.
Freedom Defenders‘ Day Events in Canada Added 2023-01-07 On 13 January, 2023 Lithuania will mark the Freedom Defenders’ Day commemorating those who lost their lives on January 13, 1991 in Vilnius when Soviet troops attempted to seize the Vilnius TV tower and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building....
Solidarity with Ukraine on Freedom Defenders‘ Day in Ottawa Added 2023-01-03 The Embassy of Lithuania to Canada invites to commemorate the Freedom Defenders‘ Day by remembering the victims of the bloody events of January 13, 1991 in Vilnius and expressing solidarity with Ukraine and its people who today are bravely...
Tribute Run “The Road of Life and Death” in Ottawa and across Canada Added 2022-12-30 On January 15, 2023 the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania organizes a 9 km Tribute run “The Road of Life and Death“ to commemorate the Lithuanian Freedom Defenders’ Day. This year the run is dedicated not only to commemorate the bloody...
Canada’s permanent representative to the United Nations receives Lithuanian Diplomacy Star Added 2022-03-15 On March 10 in Ottawa, the Ambassador of Lithuania to Canada Darius Skusevičius conferred the Medal of Honour – Lithuanian Diplomacy Star – on The Honourable Robert Keith Rae, Canada’s current Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United...
Ambassador Skusevičius: "We know that freedom means everything" Added 2022-03-14 On March 11, 1990, democratically elected Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania declared the Restoration of the Independence. 32 years ago, Lithuanian people set themselves free after 5 decades of soviet occupation. Lithuanians were the first of...
Lithuanian Independence day event in Toronto to support Ukraine Added 2022-03-04 An evening to commemorate the path to restoration of Lithuania's Independence and to support Ukrainians fighting for freedom.
European Union Book Club - Meeting with writer Antanas Šileika Added 2022-01-19 The Embassy of Lithuania to Canada has the honor of inviting you to a meeting with a writer of Lithuanian descent Antanas Šileika and discussing one of his novels “Underground“.
Tribute Run to Commemorate the Day of Freedom Defenders in Lithuania happened on January 8th in Ottawa Added 2022-01-08 To remember the victims of Bloody Sunday, the Embassy of Lithuania to Canada invited Lithuanians and friends of Lithuania in Canada for the tribute run "Road of Life and Death" in Ottawa on January 8, 2022. Participants completed a symbolic 9...